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Dunbar residents love the low-rise character of their neighbourhood. Perched at the brow of a hill adjacent to Pacific Spirit Regional Park and crossed by both transit lines and cycling routes, it is an oasis in a city of highrise condos. Here, the condos are entirely low-rise. Dunbar neighbourhood pushback has kept new developments at a human scale, with the majority of apartments – a third of all housing here – located in duplexes. The number of apartments in condos, however, is relatively small: just over 5% of properties here are operate as condominiums. This is changing, but it also means the opportunities for buyers are rare.
What, then, makes buying an apartment here attractive? One, there’s the proximity to retail space along Dunbar, without the traffic comes with higher-density neighbourhoods. This also breeds a strong sense of community. With fewer people coming and going, you have a chance to develop relationships with the local merchants and even your neighbours. By the same token, many investors also buy here, noting the proximity to UBC as well as transit connections that make it a popular choice with young professionals. With median pricing matching that of the Fairview neighbourhood overlooking False Creek, Dunbar condos are competitive with those closer to downtown.